Location Global Logistics IT Leader, KL-Net

Head office

Head Office
Address (06246) Klnet Building, 153, YeokSam St(YeokSan Dong 748-14), Gangnam Gu, Seoul Shi
Phone (HQ)02-538-7227, (CS center) 1577-1172 Fax 02-538-0586

Busan office

Busan Office
Address (47241) 3,4,5th floor, KyungDong Bld, 806th of Joongang St(Jeonpo 2 Dong 874-4), Busanjin-Gu, Busan-Shi
Phone (SI) 051-632-2724, (PCS) 051-632-2748, (R&D Brance)051-632-1113
Fax 051-469-7461

Sejong office

Sejong office
Address (34068) 6th floor, Bestone Bld, 24th of Banseok St (Banseok Dong 638-8), Yusung Gu, Dajeon Shi
Phone 042-716-7131
Fax 042-716-7132

Gasan office

Gasan office
Address (08505) Room number 315, World Merdian Bld 2, 123th of Gansan Digital St number 2, Geumcheon Gu, Seoul Shi
Phone (IT Consulting)02-538-4621, (IDC) 02-2175-9481
Fax 02-538-7102